
Showing posts from February, 2018

CCC Graphics Blog: Asher Barkley: Hmrwk #4

This was an interesting interview. For one, I was amazed at his age while working as an illustrator for thirteen years. I am impressed with his degree in Graphic Design because he mentioned he gets his inspiration from famous cartoons like Walt Disney and etc.I mostly like when advises for illustrators to keep creating your own style of drawing.

Tal to the Future! /Functional image# 4

 If you ask " Where have I been?"  - Just chillin!!

oops!/ Disfunctional image # 5

 Now we all have done this before, Right?

Future body transformation/ Disfunctional Image # 4

   This is my life after death body. Just floating in time looking pretty on New Mars.

Now Let's Kick it./ Disfunctional Image # 3

    Satan allowed in the Gates of Heaven? No way , not in the Lord's corner!  I rebuke thee SATAN!!!! Go back.

Wicked Man! Wicked/ Disfunctional Image # 2

Do you believe in Voodoo? Step into the Darkside!!!!

Look no wheels @#$%! Disfunctional Image # 1

This ATV is out for remodeling... see ya next season. PEACE.

Sweet Toy Drone/ Functional Image # 3

       Let the drone do all of the work ! Just control it with a remote and  say Ala Kazaam bam!  your house is sweet like jam. Batteries not included - sold separately.

The Getaway Mobile/ Functional Image # 2

 You never know if a evacuation is needed on a trip . Plan with a tour bus that has an emergency helicopter.

Batters Up!/ Functional Image # 1

Take this with you on the field and wing some fly balls into space! Make a winning streak each time and pop a homer into the stands with precision. Bang!Bang.

CCC Graphics Blog: Asher Barkley: Hmwrk #2

CCC Graphics Blog: Asher Barkley: Hmwrk #2 : Niels Diffrient: Re thinking the Way We Sit Down Watch this video and respond on YOUR blog. Ted's presentation about having the right posture for a chair fitting was absolutely informative and a valuable lesson. I also believe a good chair makes a difference once chosen its proper adjustments for size. It was funny seeing him explaining the tail bone aspect of your weight when you sit in a chair. This was an excellent point expressed in a less tense manner which drew interest for more insight. Thumbs up for correct posture! Keep it up.

CCC Graphics Blog: Asher Barkley: Hmwrk #3

CCC Graphics Blog: Asher Barkley: Hmwrk #3 :  The new designs for Nike shoes are an interesting concept especially as a patron of this shoe. Lebron James shoe was amazing and I especially liked the custom fit they made for his shoe. Go NIKE! Swish.